It has been a rough and bumpy ride, but it also had its amazing moments. Notice the past tense ! Not intentional, it came out naturally. You see, my life here has been divided into volumes.
The first volume has been written, it has concluded. That volume is My Life Before I Was Able To Understand.
The second volume is probably finishing up now. I am not sure. That must sound very reassuring - gee, she doesn't even now where she stands right now in her life! Well, it's not that simple. You see, this second volume is My Life - The Awakening / The Understanding. This is the ground breaking, earth shattering group of chapters that changed my whole life. These were not just times, events or happenings, but states of being that streamed into my existence, and allowed for me to understand.
So, you are saying, "what is she talking about?" If I have led you to believe that I developed into some New Age know it all, sorry, that is not my intention. I really don't care for the term New Age...don't like its energies. And I am not a know it all!!!! Far from it ! I am a novice, a baby, that has just opened its eyes, whose vision is clearing and who is trying to grasp and understand that which it sees.
So this 'understanding' that I experienced in Volume 2 is really best explained as this - I was given the opportunity to realize that I have a job to do, like it or not. I was also given the opportunity to be able to see that alot of fragments and pieces of my experiences and my thoughts which previously had not made sense to me where actually key pieces of a grander puzzle- and I was given access to the opportunity to find some more pieces.
That is volume two. Am I still there? I think so, but I am nearer to the end of it. I haven't even begun to find nearly enough new puzzle pieces. Nor have I really begun to do my job in full force.
That search for puzzle pieces will continue in full force in Volume 3, as will the opportunity to really do what I am supposed to be doing. Volume 3 is an exciting adventure that lies ahead - it's where I can put on the glasses that I am learning to wear in Volume 2, so that I can see things from another perspective. It is also the volume of my reality free from the effects of denser negative energy.
This blog is the lobby - the meeting point, the resting point in my travels as I flow from one volume into another...and as I travel to many states of being, visiting truths, and experiencing realities. My volumes are filled with explorations of reality, truth, the universe, life, information, akasha, karma, Christ, God, energy,time, dimensions, worlds and all that connects with these.
If you understood what I mean by all this, then you are resonating with where I am right now, and you are reinforcing the strength of your vibrational energies. If this confuses you, but intrigues you, then stay tuned as you are meant to receive these energies - that is defined by your attraction. If this doesnt interest you, then I bid you adieu....and wish you happy travels in your journey.
Light and Love....
The Eye of God image is from Wikimedia Commons, an image from Nasa in the public domain.
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