Welcome to my blog.

This blog is a special place, it is a portal to a specific venue located in my mindscape. This venue is a spacious place, grand and filled with all that I am. It is here that I reside when I am not in transit, or not fulfilling my mission or tasks at hand.

It is a lobby, because it serves as a meeting place as well as a point of entry and exit for my travels.

This lobby is large, spacious enough to comfortably house all of my baggage that I have accumulated in my travels...physical, emotional, genetic, spiritual and of course galactic baggage.

Therefore it is furnished with eccentricities, art work that has yet to be seen, unfinished poetry, heroes yet unsung and music that has yet to be heard. This lobby also houses a library of information, some of which is meant to be shared, some of which is yet to be understood.

It is in this particular corner of my mindscape that I love to make myself comfortable, and I find myself gravitating and cocooning in this place as often as I can. It is filled with memorabilia and my collection of thinks and things that resonate with me. These things and thinks have crossed my path in my journeys.

This particular venue, this lobby, is accessible to you through this blog. By resonating with this blog you can visit this particular corner of my mindscape which intersects with a grand and special piece of your mindscape, where our worlds meet, where we can honor that place in each of us where the universe resides.

Welcome and Namaste.

Peace Be With You

Thursday, May 31, 2012

New Age Harbors Many Traps

New Age is certainly not a description that I would like to be labeled with. Perhaps there are a few new agers out there that are seekers, explorers, light filled and loving individuals who would never harm anyone or hurt anything on this world. But they should not be tossed about with the label " new age ".
One thing that is certain is that I have learned to steer clear of anything that has become a "belief system" or institution in its own right. These institutions tend to become corrupted by greed, agendas, power, money and these energies eventually attract evil into their midst. It is not the belief in its pure form that is the issue, it is the corruption that happens to it that is bad.  Take Christianity for example, it has very little to do, in my opinion, with Christ.
 Christ is one of the most magnificent beings in Creation - a King of a Spiritual Kingdom.  He doesn't have anything in common with the historic churches of this world, created in his name.  These churches  have distorted and withheld Christ's true identity and teachings, waged wars, plundered, sold indulgences, supported violence and hate, created immense wealth for themselves, and still continue to violate most of what Christ stood for.
But that is a whole other issue, and I have strayed.  New Age has emerged as a platform for those who are seeking for answers not found in the institutionalized faith systems, in their conventional dogmatic set ups. That energy of disgruntlement with the prevailing religious scene in society, along with a cloak of ignorance that was draped over the masses over time - making them unable to discern a fraud or a trap in their spiritual journey- made this whole New Age movement a perilous one.
However, the category New Age is broad and sweeping - and within it lurk many dark and destructive traps - some are cloaked in very innocent wrapping, making them all the more dangerous.  There are many evil, dense and dark agendas in the universe playing their part in a tremendous power struggle against the forces of light and love.  There are big battles, power struggles and campaigns being played out in front of our nose, stemming from the far reaches of our universe and spilling into this particular world of ours.
The dark forces (sorry, I dont mean to sound cliche or like a Star Wars rerun) seek to penetrate all systems and all movements in society, under many guises and disguises.  The New Age movement is very ripe for that sort of thing.
One of the most common and prevalent form of deception is found in the channeled messages, and in the encounters with other beings.
Do Not Fall Victim To These Potential Hazards.  I have no doubt that most of these people who claim to channel did receive channeled messages, and did speak to whatever beings they claim to have spoken to. (There are also quite a few frauds that have jumped on the bandwagon and make false claims, capitalizing on the easy prey in society that spend their money in search of answers.)
However, as I was saying, there are people who channel messages - but these messages are not always from good sources. Many times it comes from quite evil sources, seeking to wreak havoc with people's energies.
Would you strike up a conversation with a complete stranger on a train, a random passer by, and then bring him into your home, believing every word he says and living according to his rules? So what makes these channelers do this?  Why do they believe what is being presented to them, without examining potential motives and the source of these energies?  The universe is no different from our world, it is teeming with all life forms, dark and light filled.
Our world is filled with good people and bad ones too. You don't take it for granted that someone has good intentions just because they begin to overwhelm you with messages and to indoctrinate you into believing that they are offering you inside information, secrets, and perhaps salvation.
Anyone, or anything, that tries to make you believe that you are "special", "better", "chosen" and carrying some special message or knowledge that isn't available to others, is not to be trusted. If some sort of other reality is exposed to you, it may be coming from a good source, but you have to be very careful in discerning this.
There is no truth that will come through another being to you that can not be accessed from the informational realm in this lifetime.  The truth that you are seeking is within you.  The truth is out there waiting for you to find it as it exists in reality.  It is not there for you to luckily stumble upon made available only through a channeled message.
(I am not including here the instances of  personal communication with angels or spirits- I am referring to channeled messages that profess to answer major questions and then are "sold" to unsuspecting seekers).
I must say that some channeled messages throughout history have been very important, helping others, truly valuable. But these are not messages that have driven the receiver to "sell" them - rather they are personal messages, meant for that person that receives them to use them to help others, not to make money off them. These personal communications are the exception - not the New Age messaging that I am referring. I am referring to the channeled messages that are "sold" to the public which claim to address the huge questions of our origins, where we are going, what we are doing.
Bear in mind that the information or the truths that you seek in answer to these "bigger questions"  have already been encoded into this world, in this time/place, within our reach.  But more often than not they have been shrouded over, hidden, perhaps presented in codes - like parables or myths for us to find for ourselves.  We have been given all that we need. We need to think for ourselves, question and search.
The information that we need, the tools that we need are all available to us, we were never intended to have to buy this information.
Do not get me wrong however.
 There are many books out there that do give some valuable information, providing good insight, - helping us to revisit history and literature, myths and legends, to decode our reality in order to help us understand the truth. And if some of those books have been labeled as New Age, well, it's unfortunate because they should not be in the same stock and barrel as the works of misled denser energy beings that seek to plunge unsuspecting individuals into darkness.
The age old battle against darkness was addressed energetically by the presence of Jesus on Earth.
Jesus Christ is a higher spiritual being who walked the earth. Some see him as a human, others see his Divine nature. He did not seek to establish a "religion", historically, but to spread a message. Nevertheless, Christian "religions" were created in his name, non Christian religions acknowledge him, yet his true identity and teachings, his life and his actions have been withheld from the masses. A typified account of his birth and life was handed down to us, but it is not the complete story. It is missing the crucial elements.
The information is out there for us to see, if we search. But we have to exercise great caution regarding where we seek this information from. There are many individuals that are being manipulated by darker energies, and they are infiltrating the New Age movement with many theories and philosophies that seek to throw people off the track of discovering the real Christ.
The point of that move does not have to do with "religion".  It has to do with energy, and it seeks to plunge the world into darkness.  Christ was on this earth to fulfill an energetic mission. To help purge innocent humans from dark, dense energies that penetrated this realm.
It doesn't matter to me if you are Christian or not. I don't profess to have answers or to indoctrinate. I only want to tell you that no matter what your cultural beliefs are, Christ was a being who was light filled, that never persecuted or hated humans, regardless of their backgrounds and beliefs. He taught love, tolerance, pacifism, and sought to overturn corrupt convention. Therefore, it is not right, and you should be very suspicious when you see theories and beliefs spurting out of the New Age movement which seek to damage and present Christ in a negative hateful way.
Be very careful of what you read and what you believe.  The energies of Christ are very real, Divinely sourced, and there is a tremendous power behind the energies of his spiritual kingdom. And we must say away from all energies that seek to attack the light filled and the Divine.

Just Doing My Job

This particular incarnation has been filled with many moments of "impact".  It certainly hasn't been an easy ride, but I suppose that I knew that before undertaking this task.

It has been a rough and bumpy ride, but it also had its amazing moments. Notice the past tense ! Not intentional, it came out naturally.  You see, my life here has been divided into volumes.

The first volume has been written, it has concluded.  That volume is My Life Before I Was Able To Understand.

The second volume is probably finishing up now. I am not sure.  That must sound very reassuring - gee, she doesn't even now where she stands right now in her life! Well, it's not that simple.  You see, this second volume is My Life - The Awakening / The Understanding.  This is the ground breaking, earth shattering group of chapters that changed my whole life.  These were not just times, events or happenings, but states of being that streamed into my existence, and allowed for me to understand.

So, you are saying, "what is she talking about?"  If I have led you to believe that I developed into some New Age know it all, sorry, that is not my intention. I really don't care for the term New Age...don't like its energies. And I am not a know it all!!!! Far from it ! I am a novice, a baby, that has just opened its eyes, whose vision is clearing and who is trying to grasp and understand that which it sees.

So this 'understanding' that I experienced in Volume 2  is really best explained as this - I was given the opportunity to realize that I have a job to do, like it or not. I was also given the opportunity to be able to see that  alot of fragments and pieces of my experiences and my thoughts which previously had not made sense to me where actually key pieces of a grander puzzle- and I was given access to the opportunity to find some more pieces.

That is volume two. Am I still there? I think so, but I am nearer to the end of it.  I haven't even begun to find nearly enough new puzzle pieces. Nor have I really begun to do my job in full force.

That search for puzzle pieces will continue in full force in Volume 3, as will the opportunity to really do what I am supposed to be doing.  Volume 3 is an exciting adventure that lies ahead - it's where I can put on the glasses that I am learning to wear in Volume 2, so that I can see things from another perspective.  It is also the volume of my reality free from the effects of denser negative energy.

This blog is the lobby - the meeting point, the resting point in my travels as I flow from one volume into another...and as I travel to many states of being, visiting truths, and experiencing realities.  My volumes are filled with explorations of reality, truth, the universe, life, information, akasha, karma, Christ, God, energy,time, dimensions, worlds and all that connects with these.

Like many others,I have been led to understand what my task at hand is.  I am one of those people that are meant to tell the tale, record the events. To fill the volumes with my experiences and make it known to others when necessary.  To collect information from the field, from the informational realm, from others, and to share it.  To engage in thought, triggered by the thoughts of others, and to spread that energy by expressing these thoughts. By doing so, we anchor the energies resonated by these thoughts, by these realities that manifest.  We allow for these energies to manifest and to travel - to those that attract them, that need them at that moment.  Keep in mind that each thought that occurs, each idea that happens, each question that arises, each belief that is created, each assumption that is made carries a unique energy.  This energy is released and a reality occurs. It's release makes it a unique energy statement with its own magnetic signature. It becomes a reality. And it intersects with our energies - being attracted or repelled, according to our energetic vibrations. Thus more creation occurs, new realities are created, "things happen".  That is the journey. We just need to get a better grip on it.

If you understood what I mean by all this, then you are resonating with where I am right now, and you are reinforcing the strength of your vibrational energies. If this confuses you, but intrigues you, then stay tuned as you are meant to receive these energies - that is defined by your attraction.  If this doesnt interest you, then I bid you adieu....and wish you happy travels in your journey.

Light and Love....



The Eye of God image is from Wikimedia Commons, an image from Nasa in the public domain.

Iridescent Glory of Nearby Helix Nebula.jpg