Welcome to my blog.

This blog is a special place, it is a portal to a specific venue located in my mindscape. This venue is a spacious place, grand and filled with all that I am. It is here that I reside when I am not in transit, or not fulfilling my mission or tasks at hand.

It is a lobby, because it serves as a meeting place as well as a point of entry and exit for my travels.

This lobby is large, spacious enough to comfortably house all of my baggage that I have accumulated in my travels...physical, emotional, genetic, spiritual and of course galactic baggage.

Therefore it is furnished with eccentricities, art work that has yet to be seen, unfinished poetry, heroes yet unsung and music that has yet to be heard. This lobby also houses a library of information, some of which is meant to be shared, some of which is yet to be understood.

It is in this particular corner of my mindscape that I love to make myself comfortable, and I find myself gravitating and cocooning in this place as often as I can. It is filled with memorabilia and my collection of thinks and things that resonate with me. These things and thinks have crossed my path in my journeys.

This particular venue, this lobby, is accessible to you through this blog. By resonating with this blog you can visit this particular corner of my mindscape which intersects with a grand and special piece of your mindscape, where our worlds meet, where we can honor that place in each of us where the universe resides.

Welcome and Namaste.

Peace Be With You

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

my blog has shifted....to a new address

Everything is shifting, and my blog has gone through its own change....

You can find us at http://mindscapesandgalactictravels.wordpress.com/


Monday, June 18, 2012

a refreshingly different approach on spirituality

simply brilliant. refreshing. certainly a different approach to view spirituality .....

frequencies | a collaborative genealogy of spirituality

via: freq.uenci.es

Friday, June 15, 2012

Images, Meanings and Codes.

The Damsel of the Sanct Grael, by Dante Gabrie...
The Damsel of the Sanct Grael, by Dante Gabriel Rossetti: medieval romance. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today I received information streaming in about codes, frequencies, meanings and images.....It came in an image that was before me....

 I am not sure yet what it all means, it seems to be sorting itself out slowly. I do know that it said that images have meaning. meanings turn into frequency frequency turns into code.

This will mean something...I am waiting to see how and what. Meanwhile, I was led to these two videos, which I am sure have to do with this whole thing. These videos deal with image and meaning and code...the frequency of course, is there.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Dec. 12, 2012 and the Faeries

Prince Arthur and the Fairy Queen.Prince Arthur and the Fairy Queen. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Did you know that there is a connection with the faerie kingdom and the awakening process of 2012.  Gaia is in labor, and many different forms of life are here to help. Today I have been experiencing connections , clues, hints and I have been receiving information having to do with fertility, the fruits and seeds of the earth, Gaia, labor, pregnancy, vibrational energy and the New Earth.
Dolores Cannon's video in the previous post discusses the emerging New Earth.  All day I have been getting these type of messages.
English: Pachamama or Mama Pacha "Mother ...English: Pachamama or Mama Pacha "Mother Earth" in Inca mythology. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Below is an excerpt of an article that I came across ("came across "?, "was directed t:o perhaps is a more accurate description).  It discusses the emerging and the awakening of 2012 and the Faerie Kingdom.  D'Agostino is a healer in touch with the Faerie Kingdom...below is an excerpt discussing her fascinating message from the faerie kingdom and her amazing work with the faerie realm.

The Faeries Speak : Mexico and 12-12-12 by Diomira Rose D'Agostino.

The Faeries Speak: Mexico and 12-12-12  (excerpt)

"...The faerie realm is one of the key players in this ascension process. They are our brethren. They are standing forth to be of service, not only to Mother Earth, but also to us; they desire very deeply for us to remember who we are and take our place in the great plan of creation. They have come forth from the mists to connect with us once more. They wish to share so much, so much wisdom do they hold. They also have a great love for us and wish to assist us in the Great Awakening. It is in our remembering that we can support Mother Earth in her birthing process. 12-12-2012. You have all heard about this date. We all know it is supposed to be important astrologically and numerically. I found myself wondering question upon question, What is the significance and how does it relate to December 21, 2012? What is the relationship of this date to Mexico?・ How will the energies of this day impact us, and why is Mexico such a hot spot during this time?・ Seconds later, my question was being answered by my dear guides and teachers in the world of Faerie. They have a great understanding of the Earth energetically and how various points on our Mother interact with and affect the whole. This is what they explained to me: .."     

via: www.byregion.net
please click on the link for the whole article.

Dolores Cannon's Revelations: New Earth, Frequency, ET Souls, Waves, How to Shift?

Dolores Cannon is a hypnotherapist that has achieved "revolutionary" accomplishments.  Her books are fascinating, and here is a video that contains amazing information about our souls, soul volunteers,  life contracts, the experience on earth, karma, forgiveness and so much more...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Very Powerful Aramaic Healing Prayer

This is a video chanted in Aramaic, the ancient language of Jesus. It is an intensely powerful video, with very powerful healing vibrations. Below, I am sharing the description that is given for this video:

I recorded this song with the intention of sending vibrations of LOVE, PEACE, UNITY and FREEDOM into the universal consciousness.

I am chanting an ancient language called Aramaic, that is said to have been spoken by Jesus. I am sending these vibrations out into the universe to bring forth love and peace for all of man kind and our beautiful mother earth.
In the first part of the song I am singing and chanting the word "AUM" along with the word "Allelujah."

The scriptures tell us that "AUM" is the planets primordial vibration from which the entire universe has arisen. All other sounds are contained within it.
It is also believed that "AUM" is the mother of all languages. Repetition of "AUM" enables us to maintain mental and emotional calmness, overcome obstacles and enable understanding.

I am softly chanting 3 Aramaic words beneath the song and the spoken prayer.
Here are the Aramaic word along with the English translation:
SHLAA-MAA which means Peace
KHOO YAA DAA which means Unity; Oneness
KHEE RROO-TAA which means Freedom

Peace and Blessings to all~


Oannes...Myth? Legend? Or did he really exist?

Illustration on page 495 of Curious Myths of t...Illustration on page 495 of Curious Myths of the Middle Ages (Photo credit: Wikipedia)  

Who was Oannes?  Beings like Oannes remain mysteries from ancient history that have yet to be solved.  Did this mysterious creature really exist?

Oannes by Bruce Magnotti

Oannes as world traveler The most likely scenario, if Oannes was indeed a historical figure, is that Oannes was a traveler from another part of the globe, from a pre-existing civilization yet to be discovered. “A man, or rather a monster, Half man and half fish, coming from the sea, appeared near Babylon; he had two heads; one, which was the highest, resembled that of man, the other that of a fish. He had the feet of a man, and the tail of a fish; and his speech and voice resembled that of a man: a representation of him is still preserved. This monster dwelt by day with men, but took no food; he gave them knowledge of letters, arts, and sciences; he taught them to build towers and temples; and to establish laws; he instructed them in the principles of geometry; taught them to sow, and to gather the fruits of the earth; in short, whatever could contribute to polish and civilize their manners. At sun set he retired to the sea, in which he passed the night. There appeared likewise others of the same species.”
via: www.oannes.com

Space, Religion, and God....food for thought

NASA Astronauts Religion in Space Controversies: Genesis Reading, Moon Communion, Homage to Missionaries Anger Some | Suite101.com

Should Astronauts Be Allowed to Promote Religious Beliefs in Space? The Apollo 8 astronauts’ readings from the Book of Genesis, Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin’s taking of Communion on the moon, and Discovery astronaut Patrick Forrester’s carrying of a memento memorializing Christian missionaries have elicited heated debate.
via: suite101.com

Photo of Ray Bradbury.
Photo of Ray Bradbury. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sci-fi legend Ray Bradbury on God, 'monsters and angels' - Page 3 - CNN

The religious implications of space travel also mean much to Bradbury. Bradbury has been a relentless supporter of space exploration. Ascending to the heavens won't destroy God; it'll reinforce belief, he says. "We're moving more toward God," he says. "We're moving toward more proofs of his creation in other worlds he's created in other parts of the universe. Space travel will increase our belief in God."
via: articles.cnn.com

Why doesn't the Bible talk about the other planets?         

It is interesting to keep in mind, however, that the Bible mentioned that the Earth is round (Isa 40:22)(written in app. 700 B.C.) WELL before this was scientifically known (the Earth was thought to be flat) and that the stars were uncountable (Jer 33:22)(Gen 15:5) when it was believed there were about 1000 stars.
via: jesusalive.cc

Some Mindscape Architecture: Star Seed Mission Coming To Light

Jesus from the Deesis Mosaic
Jesus from the Deesis Mosaic (Photo credit: jakebouma)
English: The moment of revealing four noble tr...
English: The moment of revealing four noble truths by buddha 2600 years ago to 1st 5 disciples. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have been grappling with my star seed identity for years.  It seems that I have been swirling from one unusual or unexplainable experience to another - working up to the point which I have now entered. A point where I am totally living in my star seed reality, having been able to put the earth experience in its perspective.

This isn't an easy task, because the ride to get there is very bumpy...as you leave certain people and situations behind.  It is not a bad thing to let these people and places go...either you resonate or you don't. There is no bad feeling or resentment from my end...rather, I feel great relief that I don't have to grapple with their frequencies!  On the other hand, I feel great joy in the fact that they were on my path, realizing that their energies helped to strengthen mine.

I find it very interesting that faith, religions, beliefs, God, Jesus, Buddha , star seeds, the universe, ancient writings, angels, the elohim, the Gnostic Gospels and the Essenes keep on coming up on my path. Daily. I have been running into them constantly.  They are set before me in such subtle ways, sometimes not so subtly, demanding my attention.

There is great meaning behind that. It is a sign of something. What exactly that something is, I don't know.  There is an energy behind these concepts that I am resonating with. That is definite.  There is also an energetic frequency behind these concepts that I am helping to anchor, to resonate.

 I also see all of these energies blending.....I also see a veil parting, with many spiritual truths becoming more visible....

More on this to come....as it streams to me!!!

Is the Bible encoded in Chinese characters?

Fu DogFu Dog (Photo credit: rattyfied)

I found this concept fascinating....could biblical concepts be encoded in the formation of the Chinese characters? I don't know if this it true, but it is certainly possible. Everything is possible. Below is the excerpt from the article which links to a very fascinating page.

[ wu :: chinese ]

BIBLICAL ENCODING IN CHINESE CHARACTERS In 1979, missionary C.H. Kang and medical pathologist Ethel R. Nelson published The Discovery of Genesis, a book proposing the theory that the Biblical book of Genesis is encoded in the Chinese language. The theory lacks rigorous evidence, but it's interesting. Coincidence or truth?
via: www.ocf.berkeley.edu