Mondriaan (Photo credit: Pleuntje) |
The most common occurrence marking the spiritual evolution of star seeds is the inability of others,( friends and/or family, co workers, neighbors), to accept or understand the true nature of the star seed. People can not accept the beliefs and the perspective of the star seed, nor can they easily accept the star seeds experiences as true, or "real".
This is an energetic problem. Once a person is "on there way"- growing and evolving spiritually, then their energy fields change. This make it almost impossible for them to resonate with others that are still "toxic" - unable to see and experience life from the perspective of the star seed.
English: Crazy stuff (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The star seed goes through an adjustment process - a crossing over, a transition. During this transition, the old friends and family members who ridiculed, avoided or simply couldn't understand the star seed eventually break away.This brings the star seed to a new stage in their life on earth, where they resonate purer energy. This improvement in the strength of their field occurs because there is less energetic "static" and "interference" surrounding the star seed.
The star seed reaches a new level of awareness and begins to experience a sense of freedom at this point. That is a good thing. However,this is not an easy stage to reach for many people. Many physical shifts occur as a result of these energetic changes to further burden this transitional process. And one of the greatest challenges of course is dealing with one of the prices that the star seed must pay in order to continue on their journey - and that is the eventual parting of ways from many of those that they previously considered friends.
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