Welcome to my blog.

This blog is a special place, it is a portal to a specific venue located in my mindscape. This venue is a spacious place, grand and filled with all that I am. It is here that I reside when I am not in transit, or not fulfilling my mission or tasks at hand.

It is a lobby, because it serves as a meeting place as well as a point of entry and exit for my travels.

This lobby is large, spacious enough to comfortably house all of my baggage that I have accumulated in my travels...physical, emotional, genetic, spiritual and of course galactic baggage.

Therefore it is furnished with eccentricities, art work that has yet to be seen, unfinished poetry, heroes yet unsung and music that has yet to be heard. This lobby also houses a library of information, some of which is meant to be shared, some of which is yet to be understood.

It is in this particular corner of my mindscape that I love to make myself comfortable, and I find myself gravitating and cocooning in this place as often as I can. It is filled with memorabilia and my collection of thinks and things that resonate with me. These things and thinks have crossed my path in my journeys.

This particular venue, this lobby, is accessible to you through this blog. By resonating with this blog you can visit this particular corner of my mindscape which intersects with a grand and special piece of your mindscape, where our worlds meet, where we can honor that place in each of us where the universe resides.

Welcome and Namaste.

Peace Be With You

Monday, June 4, 2012

Star Seeds: Part 2 Characteristics of a Star Seed

even physical body
even physical body (Photo credit: shankargallery)
The previous post describes what a star seed is.  Of course we live in a world of infinite possibilities, so there is no definitive formula that we can use to describe every single star seed which has incarnated on Gaia. Each star seed is unique. The wake up calls of the star seeds are very individual experiences as well, varying from individual soul to individual soul.

But we have been able to see from the accounts and testimonies of star seeds that have "come out" that there are certain traits, characteristics, conditions and experiences that seem to be commonly present in the life and times of many star seeds.

These common denominators, in my opinion, seem to carry the necessary energetic details necessary to create the composite being of the star seed.  These common denominators are physical, emotional, psychological, environmental and galactic.
RCW Catalogue
RCW Catalogue (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There are physical traits that many star seeds seem to have in common, regarding their physical Gaian body. The eyes of star seeds seem to have a magnetic quality. Some have a penetrating gaze, others have an attractive allure. Generally speaking however, the eyes seem to have a strength in their gaze and in their appearance that leave an energetic signature.  This triggers many Gaians to comment on the eyes of a star seed - comments ranging from how beautiful their eyes are, to how, even if they haven't seen the star seed human for a long time, they remember their eyes.

Gea, Museu Arqueològic d'Istambul
Gea, Museu Arqueològic d'Istambul (Photo credit: Sebastià Giralt)
Many star seeds have trouble handling the energies of Gaians because there are alot of negative dense energies prevailing on Gaia and in the Gaian fields. Native Gaians, as a result, are unfortunately carrying many dense, negative energies. Star seeds need a coping mechanism to deal with these negative energies, because star seeds tend to absorb the energies of others very easily.  Thus they need a shield, or armor in their field.

To address this, many star seeds carry alot of extra weight around them, especially around the middle. This is actually a protective shield that has developed as an adaptive mechanism.  The energetic bodies of star seeds are "charged" with greater frequencies than the energy bodies of true Gaians.  This means that there physical bodies need to adapt to their extra energetic baggage. One such adaptive mechanism is the extra weight. And the energetic shield that star seeds need translate into increased energetic frequencies. And of course, this manifests in the physical bodies as extra weight.  I know that it has to do with water, but I am not clear on the mechanism. I do know that star seeds need more water, and need to carry more water weight.

The human body is made of Gaia.  It is made up of her elements.  Most often, though, it is not able to adapt to the extra energetic load of the star seed energy body which it houses. After all, the Gaian body is designed to house a Gaian soul.  Therefore, the physical body which houses a star seed soul, seems to need more "juice", more voltage from its life source to handle its energetic body.

This is part of the evolutionary process of star seeding, and star seeds have a challenge in learning to adapt to the limitations of certain physical forms.  This is not a smooth process. So there is a certain amount of damage that occurs in the physical body as a result of housing a star seed soul.. I see this as a short circuiting that occurs in the physical body trying to house the higher energies of a star seed energy body.

We see this as another common denominator present in most star seeds in one form or another.  It appears that star seeds suffer from many of the same medical conditions and dysfunctions. Blood sugar disturbances, thyroid issues (especially hypothyroidism) ,digestive and metabolic issues seem to plague many star seeds prior to and during their waking process.  However, all star seeds seem to be very vulnerable throughout their Gaian existence to auto immune diseases and disorders, including having a very allergic profile. These auto immune disorders include arthritic conditions, chronic fatigue.  It seems that there is a trigger prevalent in star seeds that encourage "self attack". It mirrors their frustration with their inability to assimilate as a Gaian. This calms down once they change their lives after their realization of their heritage.

Star seeds seem to be very vulnerable to psychological and emotional problems, this weakness improves after their wake up call.  Star seeds have difficulty adapting to their surroundings because of their energetic bodies.  We do not perceive life like a Gaian.  Therefore, it is natural for star seeds to feel that they do not fit in.  They also feel lonely, and many go through most of their life, before their "wake up" being perceived by others as oversensitive, misfits, different, weird, or loners. They suffer from conscious and subconscious longing for home.  They also suffer as a result of the ostracism they feel, being energetically foreign to native Gaians.  This causes them to be on the receiving end of toxic backlashes.

 They also have higher than normal levels of intelligence which is not addressed adequately even through the educational system of more "advanced" Gaian societies, therefore star seeds tend to get disillusioned and lost. They are not on the same energetic wavelength with Gaians, therefore it is very natural for star seeds to not have a functional and successful energetic relationship with money. Coupled with a commonly seen inability to focus, star seeds aren't able to "produce" and to thrive in the career landscapes of Gaian society.

This inability to thrive in the career/marketplace also causes many star seeds to suffer from low self esteem.  Many also develop learning disabilities and brain fog as a result of the energetic short circuiting which occurs in the physical body due to the higher charges of the star seed energy body that its housing.   The energetic overcharge causes the brain to short circuit. Put all of these factors together and you have the conditions that make the star seed Gaian "ripe" for awakening.

The social environment of the star seed also seems to further emphasize how the star seed doesn't fit in.  The star seeds are aware of their higher than normal intelligence, and of the talents and creativity that swell and storm deep within their selves.  And they know that these abilities are not emerging the way that they would like.  As a result many become depressed, anxious or even angry due to their inability to efficiently develop and make use of their amazing gifts, talents and intellectual prowess and of their difficulty in expressing themselves and achieving true communication within the constraints of the Gaian society.

It is not co incidental that most star seeds incarnate in dysfunctional families and environments. This further dramatizes the alienation that the star seed experiences. The alienation from his environment in turn triggers the worsening of certain physical symptoms. There is a mechanism in place here, common to most star seeds.
Anselm Feuerbach: Gaea (1875). Ceiling paintin...
Anselm Feuerbach: Gaea (1875). Ceiling painting, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I feel that these conditions, although difficult, are energetically necessary for the star seed and that they serve a purpose to allow the star seed to emerge  from within the buried memories.  There are many "cocoons" that star seeds have.  Like Gaians, the physical body serves as the cocoon of the souls of star seeds.  However, unlike native Gaians, star seeds go through adaptogenic changes of their physical bodies in order to accommodate their energy bodies in these physical Gaian vehicles.  A soul of a different frequency can not have the same "fit" as a Gaian soul, and that doesn't occur without certain consequences.

Star seeds also go through a cocoon process of sorts that is triggered by their physical, emotional and psychological challenges. These challenges plunge them into a dark night of the soul, of sorts, that allows them to emerge as the radiant star seed that they are. The emergence of the star seed causes an energetic "butterfly" to emerge.

The awakening of star seeds to their true origins, this realization, this emergence is a beautiful moment - but not without the new challenges that it poses.

Star seeds, once emerged, can not live "normal" lives....that is coming in part 3.


  1. Wow. So true. I am very impressed by this eloquently well written article. I am a Pleiadian starseed born into Pleiadian, Reptilian and Sirian bloodlines and it all fits. I, too have seen all of this play out in my life and the lives of other such as myself. Currently I do suffer from arthritis and have had it and other strange auto-immune conditions since I was a small child. My health in other ways is superhuman and I heal abnormally fast. It's true that these illnesses represent something bigger in our lives and they are here to awaken us and allow us to accept our true selves.

  2. Hi Ellie, it's been truly amazing to have come across and resonate with your understandings of being a starseed. Would absolutely love to connect with you. Could I PLEASE have your email address.

    Wishing you grace. Namaskaram,
    Rachit / rachit@circlelife.in
