Welcome to my blog.

This blog is a special place, it is a portal to a specific venue located in my mindscape. This venue is a spacious place, grand and filled with all that I am. It is here that I reside when I am not in transit, or not fulfilling my mission or tasks at hand.

It is a lobby, because it serves as a meeting place as well as a point of entry and exit for my travels.

This lobby is large, spacious enough to comfortably house all of my baggage that I have accumulated in my travels...physical, emotional, genetic, spiritual and of course galactic baggage.

Therefore it is furnished with eccentricities, art work that has yet to be seen, unfinished poetry, heroes yet unsung and music that has yet to be heard. This lobby also houses a library of information, some of which is meant to be shared, some of which is yet to be understood.

It is in this particular corner of my mindscape that I love to make myself comfortable, and I find myself gravitating and cocooning in this place as often as I can. It is filled with memorabilia and my collection of thinks and things that resonate with me. These things and thinks have crossed my path in my journeys.

This particular venue, this lobby, is accessible to you through this blog. By resonating with this blog you can visit this particular corner of my mindscape which intersects with a grand and special piece of your mindscape, where our worlds meet, where we can honor that place in each of us where the universe resides.

Welcome and Namaste.

Peace Be With You

Monday, June 4, 2012

A Link Between Star Seeds and Christianity

English: Jesus Christ - detail from Deesis mos...English: Jesus Christ - detail from Deesis mosaic, Hagia Sophia, Istanbul (Photo credit: Wikipedia)I have always felt an amazing link between the positive light filled star seeds that are in harmony with the Creator and with the teachings and being of Jesus Christ.  I feel that institutionalized belief systems have isolated us from the fact that we are circulating in the cosmos that God created, and that he sends his special messengers at all times to help and to save, according to the situation at hand.

English: Pleiades Star ClusterEnglish: Pleiades Star Cluster (Photo credit: Wikipedia)That is why we have angels, that is why we have prophets like Elijah, and that is why the world was graced with Jesus Christ.  Jesus is not the organized religion that man created in his name.  Jesus is a mystical being, a son of God who came to anchor certain energies into this world, in order to transform it.  He also is a King of a spiritual kingdom and we were given access to it through his teachings.

His teachings offer so many mystical clues and truths, I am just beginning to see them. They are cloaked and are meant to be disguised because they reveal themselves to you when you are meant to "know" and to 'see'.

Here is an excerpt from a website called Semjase Bluestar. She is from the Pleiades. In this excerpt she mentions the connection between Pleiades and Christ.  There are many other instances in the Bible that refer to Christ's galactic connection.


Long ago the Creator spoke directly to a man named Job, and said: "Can you bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?" In the last book of the Bible, that of Revelation, the Creator spoke as the ascended Jesus Christ, who was seen by the prophet recording the revelation to "have in his right hand seven stars." Jesus then told the prophet, "The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches." He then tells the prophet once again that he holds the seven stars within his hand and walks amidst the golden candlesticks. The influences of the Pleiades was known to the ancient peoples of Earth. The seven stars, the seven sisters as they were named - though a small cluster in the night sky, were perceived as being much more than a few small stars in the myriad of lights above. Ancient people knew the Truth and expressed it. We have always been messengers, a rank of "angels" - though not the higher ranked angels. Some of us have not always been obedient to the absolute Truth, and have been both misled and have misled. I clarify to you at this time, that the Truth will be presented and all misconceptions cleared. Omissions will be reinstated, and additions will be removed so that the Truth of the eternal concepts, the will of the Creator, and the purpose of creation becomes a shining beacon of light as the stars illuminate through the darkness, and your closest star brings the light of day. True Starseeds will know their need and seek out Truth. they will be "born-again" by spiritual rebirth. That which was once dead within them will be brought to life by the Spirit of holiness who dwelling within a persons own spirit makes God within them. They themselves are not God, but are empowered by God, and knowledge of their purpose will be made clear to them. Filled with wisdom and love, these will shine as the stars forever, and inherit all things of the eternal nature in the realm of Light wherein dwells God.
via: semjasebluestar.tripod.com


  1. Amazing! I always knew that Christians and Starseed were linked. :) Thank you for opening my eyes

  2. Last year someone took the original Semjasebluestar site down. It reopened later under Semjasebluestars at

    The full content available here:

    The Pleiades are mentioned also in the Book of Job where it talks about the sweet influences of the Pleiades
