Welcome to my blog.

This blog is a special place, it is a portal to a specific venue located in my mindscape. This venue is a spacious place, grand and filled with all that I am. It is here that I reside when I am not in transit, or not fulfilling my mission or tasks at hand.

It is a lobby, because it serves as a meeting place as well as a point of entry and exit for my travels.

This lobby is large, spacious enough to comfortably house all of my baggage that I have accumulated in my travels...physical, emotional, genetic, spiritual and of course galactic baggage.

Therefore it is furnished with eccentricities, art work that has yet to be seen, unfinished poetry, heroes yet unsung and music that has yet to be heard. This lobby also houses a library of information, some of which is meant to be shared, some of which is yet to be understood.

It is in this particular corner of my mindscape that I love to make myself comfortable, and I find myself gravitating and cocooning in this place as often as I can. It is filled with memorabilia and my collection of thinks and things that resonate with me. These things and thinks have crossed my path in my journeys.

This particular venue, this lobby, is accessible to you through this blog. By resonating with this blog you can visit this particular corner of my mindscape which intersects with a grand and special piece of your mindscape, where our worlds meet, where we can honor that place in each of us where the universe resides.

Welcome and Namaste.

Peace Be With You

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Today's Message

Evolution (Photo credit: adriansalamandre)

There are certain days that seem to teach me a lesson, or leave a message for me.  The lesson or message is spelled out to me throughout the day in different ways, each way seems to reinforce the other.  I am not sure if it is my angel who is doing this, or from my soul group. I don't know.

Today I seem to to be receiving the message of increased and heightened duality in the world.  The positive pole of this duality is getting stronger, more independent and more secure in its evolutionary transition. The negative pole seems to be working hard to maintain its ground and its control.

There seems to be an imbalance at hand. The negative forces are grappling to maintain the control that they had, which they are losing to the growing dynamic of positive energy force.

 I see today a great leap has occurred with free spirituality. More and more people are breaking free from dogma, embracing their own truths. This is creating a huge energy shift that is threatening the balance of power, slowly shifting the negative energies into a weaker presence here.

Beyond ascension, spiritual evolution and expanding consciousness, there is something greater going on, something have to do with energies and the universe.

I think that we are about to understand something tremendous soon.  I have that feeling that huge revelations are about to occur.

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